Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 121

I have known him for over twenty-five years. During all that time and probably for some years previous he was a liberal and regular purchaser of philatelic items. While a good part of his interest was in covers bearing postmarks of his own dearly beloved state, he maintained a warm feeling for many other stamp collecting areas and it was as likely as not that his auction bid sheets would list offers for items from many different countries. So he acquired and piled high a truly large collection.

Now at the age when vigor and eyesight were weakened he admitted that some of his albums hadn’t been opened in more than ten years. The contents of drawers of duplications and unmounted material that overflowed their capacities filled a good part of his attic. He agreed that even if he had the vitality he couldn’t inventory all his material within the next year or two. He most certainly lacked the vitality.

I advised that he commence the selling of portions of his collections, particularly those that he hadn’t looked at in years. This would serve several purposes: One, to reduce the problem that his family, who were unacquainted with stamps, would face in obtaining the best possible realization for his estate. Two, to put back on the market items much sought after and seldom available, so that newer collectors could enjoy their possession. Three, to provide a cash fund that would be available to pay the tax on the part of the collection he retained for inheritance taxes are as inevitable as death. For, hard as it is it realize, you must plan for your eventual demise.

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