Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 26

Has your exhibition committee applied for the “Maurice Apfelbaum Award for Excellence in Stamp Collecting?” The award, an attractive 2-1/2 inch gold medallion, is made available without charge to any stamp show that includes a special category for collections displayed on regular printed album pages in its prospectus.

Our purpose in offering the award is to make stamp exhibitions more interesting for the millions of collectors who use Scott, Minkus, White Ace and other printed albums. At present these collectors are practically disregarded by show committees and judges.

It is not our intention to depreciate the value of specialization, individual write-up and unusual presentations. We think these activities are excellent and encourage them. However, we also want to encourage the vast number of collectors who do not, and perhaps never will, collect that way. The “printed album collectors” are important to philately and this is our way of welcoming them into philatelic circles and providing a place for them in our stamp shows.