Apfelbaum’s Corner – Volume 74
In the last two months I have traveled over 30,000 miles in North and South America. I have seen the sights and scenery; I have tried the foods along the way, and I have slept in a myriad of different beds. I have met many stamp collectors and dealers. The courtesy and hospitality of our fellow philatelists is outstanding.
In Santiago, Chile; Montevideo, Uruguay; Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo, Brazil; Buenos Aires and San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina; as well as Miami, St. Petersburg, Oakland, San Diego and a hundred other places stamp collectors considered it a pleasure to go out of their way to make our visit enjoyable.
Some of these folks we had known through correspondence, but the majority of them were strangers until our visit. The fraternity of philately is a door opener and a lodge of true brothers.
The next time you travel look up a few collectors. You will agree that meeting with them constitutes one of our hobby’s greatest pleasures.