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Thank you for downloading our stamp-selling guide. It contains valuable information to help you receive top prices for your collection. It doesn’t matter if you’ve inherited stamps and don’t know much about them. Our guide provides you with necessary details so you can find a buyer.
In this guide you will learn about common and rare stamps. Discover a little about the history of stamp collecting and why it’s such a popular hobby worldwide. See how dealers assign prices to stamps, and why some are worth so much — or so little. Find out how to protect your collection both for daily storage and for shipping to a dealer.
Consider using Apfelbaum, Inc. to sell your collection. We’ve been buying and selling stamps since 1910. We have both a stamp store and buy-it-now sales. As a full-service dealer, we offer immediate cash payment and excellent customer service. If necessary, we’ll travel to see collections as well.
When it comes to stamps, we’re technical experts offering you a high level of knowledge and experience.