Collect Rare Stamps From Spain

The philatelic history in Spain is a rich one that presents many opportunities for collectors. Whether you’re just starting your Spanish stamp collection or you’re looking for the elusive issue you can’t find anywhere else, Apfelbaum, Inc. can help.

Through our online store and the public auctions we regularly host, collectors have various opportunities to find the stamps they need. We can also provide appraisals and advice on shipping and storing your collection. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a serious investor, contact Apfelbaum, Inc. for everything you need to grow your collection of rare Spanish stamps.

Spanish Postal History

Although Spain has had functioning postal systems in place since the late 15th century, it was not until January 1, 1850 that the Kingdom issued its first postage stamp — nearly ten years after the British issued the Penny Black, the world’s first adhesive stamp.

However, Spanish postal authorities were quick to make up for lost time, issuing no less than 200 different face varieties over the course of the 19th century — more than double what the U.S. released during that time period. One of the reasons for this was that the inexpensive printing process used at the time made Spanish stamps easy to replicate. To combat this, postal authorities were quick to release new issues in an effort to stay ahead of forgers.

This means there’s a wide range of fine and interesting examples available to this day. In recent years, interest in collecting postal forgeries has grown, with many collectors opting to specialize in this fascinating niche market.

Stamps and the Spanish Civil War

The other major period for Spanish philately was the country’s civil war, which lasted from 1936 to 1939. During this time, both the Republican loyalists and the Nationalists produced their own propaganda stamps. The fragmentation of the country meant that many regional, provincial and municipal governments also issued their own postage stamps.

Without a doubt, the Spanish Civil War was one of the most significant events of the 20th century — one which foreshadowed the ideological divide that would underpin the Second World War. Now, more than 70 years later, it’s difficult to grasp just how profoundly the conflict changed not just the country but the world.

One of the great things about collecting rare Spanish stamps — and philately in general — is that it helps us understand these major, historical events. If you’re looking for rare stamps from Spain, browse the Apfelbaum, Inc. online store today.

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