There are a handful of countries (they used to be called the Seven Beauties of Philately – though there are a few more than seven) that have always been popular for their exotic appeal. Places like St. Pierre and Miquelon, French Polynesia, Greenland and some others, have been avidly collected despite no presence of the home market. They are in a sense popular for the very reason philately is popular – because our hobby gives a collector a window on the world and access to places and times that would be inaccessible otherwise. Greenland is avidly collected worldwide and is as popular today as it was when its first stamps were issued.
Specialty Catalogs: Scott is pretty good for Greenland. The most devoted specialists use the Scandinavia’s specialized catalog Facit, a catalog which adds several mostly uninteresting and contrived varieties to the mix.
Availability Of Material: Don’t expect much of a hunt for the stamps of Greenland. They are popular and often sold. There are some overprint varieties on the early issues that can be a bit tough to find as well as some scarce perf varieties on the Parcel Post issue. Much of the rare first issue of Greenland was bought up by the large (at the time) new issue dealer J&H Stolow. Many of the first issues of Greenland have Stolow’s signature on the backs of the stamps.
Expense: By major Scott numbers alone, the country sells for well under $1000.
Overall Grade: A