Monthly Archives: February 2018

  1. Stamp Packets

    Stamp Packets

    Image result for stamp packetsEvery kid in the 1950s and 1960s began collecting stamps the same way. We started with a Harris or Minkus worldwide album. Mine was the Statesman Deluxe, which had spaces for over 25,000 stamps. Next up the ladder was the Citation album, which had spaces for over 50,000 stamps, and to which I aspired. What made these albums interesting (and what made philately the social hobby that it was in the 1950s and 1960s for children) was the fact that these albums had illustrations; Harris and Minkus also marketed packets of 10,000 or 20,000 different stamps which contained many of the stamps that were illustrated in the album. Each packet contained not only many of the same stamps, but also many stamps that were different from one packet to the other. This meant that you and your friends could get together with your albums and trade stamps from your packets. Each of us were collecting from the same body of worldwide stamps, and it  might be because such packets of worldwide stamps
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  2. The Problem With US Philately

    The Problem With US Philately

    Image result for early  US scott #5The United States is probably the most difficult country to collect, no matter how you figure difficulty. If your measure of difficulty is cost, then US stamps win hands down; a complete collection of US stamps, only done once, would be worth near $20 million, many times the cost of any other single country. If your definition of difficulty is how hard it is to identify different major catalog numbers from one another, classic US philately has the crown there, too.
    No other country has turned minor plate varieties into major numbers like the Scott catalog has done. On the 1851 issue (#5/16) even plate design differences (not printing
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  3. Philately Today

    Philately Today

    The world was very different in 1960 than it is today. The universe was only four billion years old, a considerable age but adolescent compared to the nearly 14 billion years astronomers think it is today. Black holes hadn't been theorized or discovered. There was less documentation to prove evolution, as DNA had only been worked out a few years before. No one had been to the moon. No one had color television sets. I Love Lucy hadn't been replaced by Snookie and J-Wow. Making a phone call meant sitting down in your home and dialing. There were no computers and Internet and philatelists reading articles like this would be holding newspapers in their hands. And mail meant stamps. The world around us is very different than it was when the Baby Boomers were kids.

    But the stamp world has changed very little in the last fifty years. True, most collectors buy their

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  4. Modern Forgeries

    Modern Forgeries

    Probably nine out of ten philatelic forgeries were created in the nineteenth century. There were three primary reasons for this. First, stamps that were issued in the earliest period (before there were many stamp collectors) never existed in sufficient quantities in even the limited market by 1890. Second, early philatelic standards did not view forgeries the way we do today. Many early collectors were glad to have a “reproduction”, or a “reprint,” as they were euphemistically called, in their collection when they couldn't afford the genuine. And third, the consolidation of the German and Italian States in the late nineteenth century into the great nation states of Germany and Italy left twenty or so stamp issuing entities (that had issued many rare stamps that collectors desired) without government agencies to police counterfeits of their stamps. The stamps had been demonetized, and so, from a government point of view, counterfeits were a nuisance, not a revenue

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  5. Cinderellas


    Preprinted labels as collected by philatelists come in three broad categories: postage stamps, revenues, and Cinderellas. Postage stamps are collected by all philatelists. They are the major stamp issues of each country and are issued for the prepayment of postage. Postage Stamps are listed in many major worldwide catalogs. Collecting postage stamps has a long history and is very popular. Revenues are stamps that are issued to pay taxes, not postage. However, some countries allow the use of some stamps for both purposes; when this happens, the stamps are called Postal Fiscals and are collected by stamp collectors either mint or with postal, not revenue, cancels. Revenue collecting was once very popular and rivaled postage stamp collecting. It is very much of a niche area of the hobby now. Outside of the US philatelic domain, collecting of Revenue stamps is very unusual.

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  6. Great Buys

    Great Buys

    In all the many ways that the hobby of stamp collecting has changed in the last 50 years, probably the most significant has been in the de-emphasis of the "great buy" that was at the heart of philatelic writing in previous generations. Everyone wants a good deal and to get what they pay for (and maybe a little more), but most collectors today are happy to get good value when they buy and don't hope to find an Airmail Invert every time they go to the post office. This change is more significant than most may think because it has happened slowly. Fully half of Pat Herst's great book "Nassau Street" written in 1960 is about great deals that he made. And while the stories are interesting, they are his great deals, not ours, so our interest after a while seems a bit prurient and his ethical standards somewhat low. Oddly, Herst's ethics were considered sterling in his day, but by modern standards he seems to have cut ethical corners and often engaged in questionable promotions and deals that

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  7. Hyde Park On The Hudson

    Hyde Park On The Hudson

    The movie Hyde Park on the Hudson is the first mainstream movie in years in which stamps and stamp collecting play a major part. The movie is about Roosevelt in the late 1930s at his summer home in Hyde Park, and Roosevelt is portrayed as a person to whom his stamps are very important. He shows his collection to his future mistress, to the visiting King George VI, and seems to go to his stamps for succor during his most stressful times in the movie.

    FDR's stamp collection was of the more ordinary kind. In the movie he takes a large magnifying glass and seems to enjoy looking at stamp designs without enjoying any of the more esoteric aspects of the hobby. The stamps shown in his collection are common and of the sort that would have been
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  8. Italian Area Speculation of 1965

    Italian Area Speculation of 1965

    Image result for san marino high value stamps 1960sThe great stamp speculation of the late 1970s, which saw worldwide stamps at least double in price in less than five years, had a precursor in the mid 1960s. The European stamp speculations that were then the driving force in worldwide price increases had a basis in reality. After World War II, Europe was devastated. The economies of Germany and Italy were shattered, and the economic infrastructure of these countries destroyed. People first needed food, clothing, and shelter; providing this for themselves filled Europe's time in the decade after the War. As the economies of Western Europe improved, collectors began to try to find the post-war issues that they had been unable to afford when they had come out. They looked mainly for the higher values of sets and Airmail denominations for use in the United States. Earlier stamps were also in short supply. Many fine stamp collections had been damaged or destroyed in the War, and in the post war period many fine collections had been sold
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  9. Hieroglyphics


    Image result for egyptian hieroglyphicsOne of the great stories in cryptology over the last 200 years was working out the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs. This was the Egyptian writing of the old dynasties (the ones that had built the pyramids). The writing had fallen out of use and been replaced by different alphabets so that by the beginning of the common era (about two thousand years ago) there was no one left who knew how to read hieroglyphic writing. Throughout the next 1800 years, scholarly interpretations of this writing— and there are thousands of walls and obelisks with tens of thousands of lines of hieroglyphic surviving— ranged from the idea that the writing had no meaning at all as writing but was religious decoration to purely imaginary reconstructions of what the modern "scholars" wanted the hieroglyphics to say. The great breakthrough in understanding the real meaning of hieroglyphic writing came with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799. The stone carried a long government proclamation

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  10. End of Auction Catalogs

    End of Auction Catalogs

    Image result for crank starting a car b wEarly cars had mechanical crank starters. They didn't work very well, were hard to use, and required the strength of a good sized man to turn them. In cold weather they sometime "kicked", breaking the hand of the person trying to start his car. Yet even after electric starters were invented, for many years cars were equipped with both the newer starters and the older type. People were used to one thing, and even when something better came along they were reluctant to change. Such is the case now with stamp auction catalogs.

    Auction catalogs are cumbersome to produce. They require long lead times and are very expensive to print and mail. The average stamp auction company prints and mails about 3,000 catalogs at a cost in excess of $30,000, which is over $10
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  11. Stamp Collecting In Japan

    Stamp Collecting In Japan

    Like Germany, Japan was devastated as a result of WWII. American bombing had destroyed industrial production, and the war had killed a high percentage of young adult males. Many homes were in ruins, and the electric and telecommunications grid was annihilated. Like Germans, the Japanese are an energetic and frugal people, and by the 1960s, fifteen years after the end of hostilities, Japan had largely rebuilt and was on its way to reemerging as one of the industrial powers of the world. The Japanese poured their export earnings into technology and universities and infrastructure, but unlike the Germans, the Japanese never really got into stamps.

    Image result for tracey woodward stamps
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  12. Philately in A Changing World

    Philately in A Changing World

    Image result for changing worldGet a group of sixty year old doctors together, and you are sure to hear complaints about managed care and capitation and MBAs that get between doctors and patients. Lawyers have similar issues. People in the printing and publishing business lament the Internet. And independent booksellers now all seem to work for Barnes and Noble for $8 an hour. Every business and avocation has changed dramatically over the last thirty years. Philatelists, with our view of history, should be more understanding of this. Change has always affected all hobbies and occupations. Certainly the Internet and all that technology has opened up to us has dramatically changed our world. But have these changes been more dramatic than the changes that the electrification of the world between 1880 and 1920 caused? Are the changes now more overwhelming than how our lives were altered by the great transportation revolution of 1920-1960 which was facilitated by cars and planes? My daughter lives in California.

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  13. Broad Traits That Collectors Share

    Broad Traits That Collectors Share

    Image result for stamp collectors imageThere are three broad traits that philatelists share with each other. The first is inquisitiveness. Many very intelligent people are quite content with what they know. They do well in their professions and in their life, and their idle time is spent being entertained. Others, people who are receptive to our hobby, love to learn and know about things, and find information and facts interesting. They collect knowledge, and its an easy transition for them to collect stamps.
    The second trait that people with a philatelic predilection share is that they are savers. Sure, they have bank accounts as successful adults, often large ones, but they also had bank accounts when they were little pipsqueaks and always left aside a little for later even when
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  14. Rooms Full of Stamps...

    Rooms Full of Stamps...

    Many collectors who thoroughly enjoy their hobby imagine that their pleasure in their hobby would increase if only they had more stamps. The fantasy grows from one album to a dozen to a full shelf to a stamp room. Several years ago, we were called in on a case of philatelic gluttony gone wild. The collector was a wealthy mid-western man who lived in a large home which had a 3,000 square foot detached grounds keepers home. It was this home, all 3,000 square feet, that he devoted to stamps.
    Every week saw new cartons come to his stamp home. He spent most of his time bidding at auctions and online. He liked collections and dealers stocks— really anything that could be bought at a low percentage of catalog value. His philatelic appetite was so voracious
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